On Woman’s Day we release the Women Empowerment Campaign in collaboration with Anfisa @hearttoheartcy and photographer Loukia Hadjiyianni.
It was an honor for me working with all these women to share with the world these important messages and help women feel more comfortable and empowered in their own skin.

“On days I could not move
It was women
who came to water my feet
Until I was strong enough to stand
It was women who nourished me
back to life.”
Sisters by Rupi Kaur

We are happy, we are sad,
we cry for no reason on some days,
We feel mad with the world
On other days we want to hug each other
we are frustrated with one another
we care for each other,
We laugh
We share our struggles, our pains, our darkest thoughts
The inequalities we face every day
Should I show strength even when I want to scream?
Should I show softness?
Am I too skinny, am I too fat,
I can’t wear those jeans today. It’s my bloating days.
Did I hurt my girlfriend when I said that?
Do I look pretty, do I look ugly?
I see some new wrinkles today
Am I self centered? Is my anger justified?
Will I ever be a mother?
Let’s hold each other’s hand
let’s listen, understand and learn from each other
Let’s fight together to change things
A poem for woman’s day by Natalie

Wearing the Celeste Set & Magdalene Set
Women of the campaign
Maria Efthymiou – Photographer
Gaia Zaccagni – Writer, poet, academic
Seagull Shah – Digital Marketer, Make Up Artist
Carina Popescu
Irina Povetkina
Johanna Theofanous – Business Development
Chadiya Voehringer – Psychologist