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Walk On Fashion Show

Last month I had a collaboration with Durham University in the UK for a charity fashion show. It was with a great pleasure that I have accepted the invitation to participate in this show for this very important cause.

These students have proudly gathered £34,000 for the charity organization @coolearthaction. Cool Earth action is a non profit organisation that is fighting for the climate crisis and also to protect the rainforest.

You can see here some of my pieces that have been featured in the lingerie catwalk.

Sabrina Bahsoon

in the center wearing the Theodora Bra

Alice (in the center) wears the Katia lace set.
Sabrina Bahsoon wearing the Theodora Bra
Maria (on the right) wears the Daphne Set
Grace (in the center) wears the Isa Bra
Anna (on the left) wears the Calla Set frrom the S22 collection & Alice the Katia Set
Grace (in the center) wears the Isa Bra
Alice, in a beautiful streetwear combo with the Katia Bra

Anna on the left with the Calla Bra
Maria (on the right) with the Daphne Bra
Alice with the Katia bra